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"We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4 Kjv



This reveals our commitment to kingdom living according to the word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is here that we are inspired and motivated to reach others through the love that God has manifested in his son Jesus Christ. We have received freely such a great salvation and freely we will share with all.


We believe that one of the greatest sacrifice that one can offer is serving others. As Jesus often say “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” With a completely submissive heart to Christ we strive to empower people of all walks of life, color, creed and background with the everlasting word of God that is able to save, heal, deliver and set free from all the bondage's of the devil.


Senior Pastor Brian Robinson

Prophetess Carmen Robinson


We understand that we are in a constant battle against the forces of darkness. God has given unto us the key to exercise our authority and to take back our rightful place which will allow us to walk in victory. It is through prayer that Jesus reveals himself, gives direction and make know his will. We have committed ourselves to stand steadfast in prayer for all, while teaching the importance of continual fellowship with Christ through prayer. We also believe that we are in the last days and that Jesus is coming soon; therefore, we pray to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit so as to win souls for the kingdom of God.


 It is with great pleasure that we share the inspired word of God in every city and nation around the world. This is our great commission. From the life of Christ he exemplifies that he overcame the devil by his knowledge of the word. The Bible declares that the lack of knowledge the people perish (Hosea 4:6). We as children of God have to come into a place of knowing of who we are and who's we are. There are many great and precious promises that God has promised us, but we cannot exercise faith for something we have no knowledge of. “We brethren as Issac was are the seed of promise,” and therefore when the light of God's word comes in we can stand firmly in what Christ said and live the abundant life that is rightfully ours.

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